
Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action is a membership association whose members are local, state, and regional Down syndrome associations. Long before there was DSAIA, staff and volunteers recognized how important it was to share experiences, exchange program materials, and find ways to learn from each other. We knew how valuable it was to be with other leaders who understand the unique aspects of the Down syndrome community. In 2007, leaders from around the country gathered for the first conference and a few years later, we became Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action.  

Today, our members play a vital role in ensuring that individuals with Down syndrome and their families have access to the resources they need.  We help our members develop their organizational capacity and we provide connections, resources, support, and training.  DSAIA represents more than 3,000 leaders in the Down syndrome community. Our members range from brand new start-ups to larger, well-established organizations in the United States and around the world. 

DSAIA is a community of leaders who strive to meet the challenges many nonprofit organizations face. We model nonprofit best practices. We learn from each other. We encourage and practice collaboration.  We develop leadership skills. We advocate. We meet regularly to share our collective wisdom and support colleagues. We challenge each other. We innovate. We value and build connections within the larger Down syndrome community.  And more than anything else, DSAIA members provide support for individuals with Down syndrome in their communities.